On the earth I am blessed beyond measure. Undeservedly so. When I think of people in slums and war torn lands my heart aches and I feel so guilty. I want for them to possess the same freedom, bounty and good graces that I do. Today I am overcome with thankfulness for my country. America. The land of the free. The home of the brave. Thankful for those who have willingly sacrificed their lives to stand for her.
We could talk about flaws and areas to improve. But just for a second, for a moment, could we think about what it would be like to live gratefully. Not just today but tomorrow too. And the next day...
I am thankful for eyes that see, ears that hear, fingers that type, legs that walk, a body that moves, a mind that has ideas and creates and most importantly a heart that feels. I am thankful to my Creator for life and love, peace and joy.
Who am I that I should deserve such luxuries? Who am I? I am THANKFUL.